George K. Joseph Library

Circulation desk in the George K. Joseph Library of Possibilities

The Vinalhaven School Library is named in honor of Superintendent George K. Joseph (1999-2010), who led our community through the new school building project and an important educational transformation. A longtime educator and advocate for good education for all children everywhere, George saw the Library as the heart of the school – as indeed, it truly is. He recognized the need for private funding in order to build a library and auditorium that would best serve our community, and encouraged the formation of PIE as the community fundraising partner in this effort.

Spacious high school study area

The George K. Joseph Library is a beautiful, calm, airy space, with plenty of space for books, reading and studying, group meetings, story hours, etc. There are books for all ages, sections for many forms of non-print media and space for tech equipment. The library also holds archives of VHS yearbooks and other local publications.

Reading corner

Every year, PIE continues to receive donations to buy books for the library, and help keep the collection current. We are proud of the role PIE has played in making this wonderful resource possible for the students, teachers, and community of Vinalhaven School

