April was Poetry Month! We celebrated with Port Veritas Poetry workshops. Port Veritas is a community based organization whose goal is to enlighten, engage and entertain with poetry! The group came to Vinalhaven last year and we were excited to have them again! Poets Nate and Robin worked in the classroom during the week with Middle and High School English students on writing and performing original poems. The grand finale at the end of the week was a poetry slam where students got to perform their original poems. Mae Applegate, Middle School ELA teacher said, “I LOVE this program!!! I think it is one of the best examples I have seen of VSEC funded programs directly supporting in-class curriculum. Thank you!!!”

Students loved the program, too, saying “They helped us feel more comfortable with performing in front of people…that meant a lot,” and “It was useful to know others feel the same way about poetry as I do.” You can read more about the workshops and other VHS literary work at High School English teacher Helana Brigman’s blog: http://vhenglish.blogspot.com/2017/04/welcome-port-veritas.html

We also welcomed Art Baron and his wife Ingvild Waerhaug to Vinalhaven School at the end of April. Art is a world-renowned Jazz trombonist. He is a longtime friend of Vinalhaven and has taught workshops in the past. This time, he worked with 4th & 5th grade bands, middle school band, individual high school musicians, and even visited the Pre-K. A Community Concert on April 26th , was the highlight of the residency, with Art, music teacher Bill Trevaskis, and 11 student musicians from Grades 6-12 playing onstage. It was a fantastic show!

Ingvild is an artist and designer from Norway and New York City, who uses dyes and paints to create beautiful fabrics and turn ordinary clothing into fashion. She spent some time with Vinalhaven high school art students who made bright and lively tee-shirts by painting with dyes and stamping with fabric paint. Students worked intently under her direction for three sessions, and were so pleased with the results!
Chrissy Fowler is back this week, teaching dance to students during their Phys Ed classes. There will be a Community Contra Dance on Friday, May 12 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the school. There will be live music and desserts served. Everyone is invited! Suggested donation is $5.