Students share their artwork developed during the LEAPS of IMAGINATION workshops for 2nd and 3rd graders.
Partners in Island Education (PIE) is committed to providing educational and cultural opportunities for the community of Vinalhaven, Maine, through in-school enrichment programming, after school and summer activities, and scholarships to support student aspirations.
Our Vision
We see Vinalhaven as a thriving community that values and supports arts and education for its children.
We see our children reaching their full potential and making a positive contribution to their community.
Our Values
We believe that our school is the heart – and our children are the future – of Vinalhaven.
We adapt our mission, goals and objectives to serve the changing educational needs of our community.
We partner with other island organizations sharing common objectives to help us all do a better job of serving our community.
We seek to support the school curriculum through experiential, place-based and arts-based learning opportunities.